My Why


My love and passion for understanding regulation started at home.

When my son was three, his regulation skills were a lot different than other kids his age. He struggled to handle zig-zags and pressing pause. I was struggling to understand how to support his regulation and was becoming frustrated and discouraged. Traditional behavior approaches suggested I ignore, remove/withhold attention, and other punitive strategies.

Those didn’t feel right.

I started to do a ton of my own research. I read The Whole Brain Child. I read Self-Reg. I read Beyond Behaviors. I dove in deep to learn about co-regulation. I wrote my book Max Learns to Pause.

I applied all of the information I had learned and the difference at home was OVERWHELMINGLY POSITIVE. All of a sudden I realized that my son’s regulation skills had differences similar to some of my students on caseload. I realized that the same strategies and work we had done together at home could be done at school too.

I realized that co-regulation and self-regulation can and should be prioritized at home and school.

All too often there is a focus on behaviors, when we really need to understand the dysregulation and prioritize responsive and proactive co-regulation. So my mission was born-

Equipping adults to reframe behavior and prioritize self-regulation teaching.

Dysregulation is Information- Let’s understand it.