TPRS Course- The Language of Self-Regulation

The course that moves adults from reactive to responsive in understanding and teaching self-regulation skills.

The Language of Self-Regulation- 7/1/24

The next round of the TRPS small group program will launch 7/1/24

Are you:

🧠 A self-directed professional and/or caregiver who wants to be part of a community that is focused on learning more about how to teach problem solving skills (including self-regulation and co-regulation?) for kids Prek-5th grade?

🧠 Are you looking for more of the nerdy, brain science behind self-regulation development (listen, us too 🤓)?

🧠 Are you wanting to learn activities, strategies, and scaffolds (ways to meet kids where they are at to help grow their skills)?

🧠 Are you looking for THE LANGUAGE to use when talking about these topics?

Then The Language of Self-Regulation Course is PERFECT for you!

The TRPS Course Will Include the Following:

🧠 15 Interactive modules full of the brain science behind self-regulation skill development, including activities

🧠 Three coaching calls throughout the duration of the program to answer questions around application and problem solving

🧠Ongoing access to the course through updates that occur

We love questions! Fill out the form below to ask questions that may not be answered above!